
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ice Cream Sandwich Phone connect to Ubuntu

By default if you direct connect your Galaxy Nexus to Ubuntu, you probably can not works right away. But future updates might contains the features but for now, you have to install the tools by typing following into terminal:

"sudo apt-get install mtp-tools mtpfs"

After you installed the tools, plug Galaxy Nexus to your computer. Make sure MTP (media transfer protocol) is selected. Then type following commands:

"mtp-detect | grep idVendor"
"mtp-detect | grep idVendor"

Noted the numbers and now run following commands:

"gksu gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules"

Now, a plain text editor should appears right now. Put followings text, all with single line. 

ATTR{idProduct}==”PRODUCTID”, MODE=”0666″"

Replace the numbers you have noted (VENDORID & PRODUCID). Now, save and close the text editor. Unplug your phone and run following commands:

sudo service udev restart
sudo mkdir /media/GalaxyNexus
sudo chmod a+rwx /media/GalaxyNexus
sudo adduser YOURUSERNAME fuse

Replace your username. Then run these commands:

gksu gedit /etc/fuse.conf

Remove # of the last line. (#user_allow_other). Save and close. 

Now, restart your computer and then run following commands:

echo “alias android-connect=\”mtpfs -o allow_other /media/GalaxyNexus\”" >> ~/.bashrc
echo “alias android-disconnect=\”fusermount -u /media/GalaxyNexus\”" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Connect your phone and run "android-connect

Done! enjoy..

note: if you are copying the code directly from the website, remember to retype the quote. Otherwise, commands wont work. 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Microsoft surface

Using two years to prepare a tablet which going to kill the iPad, Microsoft surface.

Its look awful.. its definitely not even going to kill any device in this market, trust me.

With the magnet-keyboard attached to the body, and opened a stand from the back of body itself, it look like this...

A turn over net book or laptop..

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Apple WWDC 2012

The long awaiting Apple special event WWDC was held on Friday, June 11 2012. They released the next-generation Macbook Pro, OSX and IOS6.

Nonetheless, Apple revealed the new Macbook pro with Intel ivy bridge processor, which was extremely fast, Nvidia Geforce GT650m Graphics, which provides the MBP 60% faster GPU , speedy data transfer by Thunderbolt port and USB3.0 ports, and Retina Display! The incredible screen resolution of 2800x1800!

With all of these configuration, the Macbook Pro maintains the 7 hours of battery life. Besides, the new Macbook Pro was 25% thinner, lighter!

( The thickness was limited by size of ports. )

Also the new OSX Mountain Lion supporting the new Macbook Pro's Retina display, and 200 new features, eg: deeper integration iCloud, Twitter integration, iMessage, Notification, Game center, Voice dictation, and etc.
OSX Mountain Lion go on sale in July for $19.99

IOS6 update contains same 200 new features. As examples: upgraded SIRIVIPS, Passbooks, Pull to refresh, guide access, single app mode, new maps, and others. The updates only support for iPhone3GS +, iPad2, new iPad, and iPod 4G.  

The new map has absolutely replaced the previous map, Google map. This apps was beautiful, it can doing turn by turn navigation, 3D maps, SIRI integration, Flyover with smooth fluidity.

That's all for WWDC 2012. Enjoy.